Before Frankie came to live with me, he spent a good deal of time in the care of my friend Rebecca, who rescued and fostered him. As I’ve described in the introduction to my new book, AM I BORING MY DOG, she won the affections of the shy guy — to the point that he…
Banning Puppy Mills/Farming: A Strategy Update
After posing the question of what the Twitter community could do to help ban puppy mills/farming (see July 14th post), I came across an article in Newsweek about Bill Smith, founder of Main Line Animal Rescue. Smith discovered that the farmer who ran B & R, a puppy mill in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, was also also…
Banning Puppy Mills/Farms: What Can Twitter Do?
This is not a rhetorical question. It came to mind because someone on Twitter this morning suggested linking #woofwednesday with #banpuppyfarming or #banpuppymills campaigns. For those not familiar with these weekly rituals, #woofwednesdays are a way to say hey to others in the dog tweeting community or to recommend them to others (the # indicates…