What does a book tour for my new memoir, Getting Naked For Money: An Accidental Travel Writer Reveals All, have to do with my dog blog, you might ask?
Quite a bit, as it happens.
For one thing, as I explain here, the book is kind of a prequel to Am I Boring My Dog.
For another, many people who were regular readers of this blog were inspired by my writing to support the memoir on Kickstarter or to buy it afterwards. Not a single one asked for her money back.
Most important, however, is the fact that I am bringing along on tour the book’s spokesdog, Madeleine, who appeared in my Kickstarter promo video. It’s shameless, I know, using a cute dog to promote a book. But with a title like Getting Naked for Money, shameless is my middle name.
Also, I’m not taking her along only to promote my book. I’m taking her along because I adore her and — vixenish behavior notwithstanding — love having her with me. She likes to travel and she loves meeting new people because they have a tendency to give her treats.
Our appearance schedule is as follows.
Tuesday, June 13: Prescott, Arizona, Peregrine Book Company, 5-6:30pm
Thursday, June 15: Albuquerque, New Mexico: BookWorks, 6pm
Friday, June 16: Las Cruces, New Mexico: Barnes & Noble at NMSU, 2-4pm
Tuesday June 20: Austin, Texas: BookWoman, 7-8:30pm
Thursday, June 22: San Antonio, Texas: The Twig Book Shop, 5-7pm
Friday, July 7: St. Paul, Minnesota, Subtext Books, 7pm
Thursday, July 13, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 7pm