Debbie Jacobs is best known in pet circles as an expert on fearful dogs, a subject she covers extensively in her aptly named Fearful Dogs blog and related book (which — full disclosure — I blurbed because it’s terrific). But she also saves satos — Puerto Rican street dogs — as she discusses in her…
Quick fixes & cover judging
My pal Debbie Jacobs recently tweeted that she had gotten a lot of traffic on her Fearful Dogs site for a post titled Stop Your Dog’s Problem Behaviors Instantly! People were, apparently, taking it seriously, driven by the desire for a quick fix. No question: Irony is dead. When it comes to dog training —…
You don’t own me…
… Oh, wait, you do, your dog might say, if she were inclined towards philosophical musings. But does that mean you can — and should — try to change everything about me that you don’t like? Those questions came to mind — mine, not Frankie’s, at least as far as I can tell — after…