Last week I explored the question of why the talented Deborah Flick decided to take a break from her blog, Boulder Dog, to attend classes at the Karen Pryor Training Academy. This week I get into the nitty gritty details of the experience, and find out what Deborah — and Sadie — took away from…
Karen Pryor Academy Training, First-Hand: Part 1
If you’re like me, you have been missing the always insightful posts of Deborah Flick at Boulder Dog. Deborah has blogged occasionally, but wrote back in June that she was going to be busy studying at the Karen Pryor Academy and would return to more regular blogging when she completed the course. Being the impatient…
Training Tuesday: Batboy begins
As I mentioned last week, my trainer Crystal suggested that Frankie and I try Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) — not only because it’s a good technique but because it’s a good fit with Frankie’s diabetes. That is, although the technique can include food rewards, it doesn’t rely on them. I wanted to learn more about…
Training Tuesdays
I’ve been talking the talk about dog training for a long time, emphasizing its importance in such posts as What Is Dog Training & Why Do It? But, aside from an early small dog class that involved a choke collar (more on which later), I haven’t been walking the walk. My plans to start training …