[originally posted November 22, 2009]
In case you’ve noticed that my blog has been a bit wonky — and my blogging a bit erratic — lately, it’s because the platform is being moved from WordPress to Joomla. Note the passive tense. I am not doing the moving and if I tried to explain why it is being done I would start blathering about things like SEO and SEM that I know little about. Suffice it to say my blog is going to look more polished and professional and, I hope, draw more people. This is in inverse proportion to my real life, which is unpolished (if not unprofessional), and which involves seeing few actual people.
Frankie’s picture will be smaller which makes me sad. He is a small dog, but he looms large in my life. Other than that, I think everything will be better.
One of the things that my web guru tells me I need to do in order to make the move more effective is to re-tag my posts under a single category so people looking for a particular topic won’t leave, disgusted, because they haven’t found what they’re looking for. As a result of doing the requested re-tagging, I’ve noticed several posts that diss or make fun of dog dominance theory. That’s why people who follow me on Twitter may have noticed I’ve declared today Make Fun of Dog Dominance Theory day. (Actually, I think I spend at least part of every day making fun of dog dominance theory; I’ve just been more official about it today.)
So if you don’t follow me on Twitter — and why not, if I may ask? — here are the links to my two favorites: Dog Dominance Theory Gone Wild and Dinner at the Dog Dominance Cafe
But I’m far from the only one who makes fun of dominance theory. I’d love to see some of your favorites. Please send links.
Update: Just in time for this special day, two relevant posts: “Training or Torture,” from The World According to Ci, a blog written from the point of view of a French pup; and the self-explanatory “Dog Whisperer Commentary” from Dog Spelled Forward, who actually took the time to deconstruct an entire episode of the show. Yikes.
Here’s what I’d like to know: Do any followers of the Dog Whisperer have a sense of humor? There’s a lot of shouting and pontificating and faux-earnestness but no one seems to be having any fun.
Update 2: One of my favorite dog bloggers, Deborah Flick, who shares her wisdom at Boulder Dog, weighs in with her favorites:
Alpha Dogma: Good-bye To All That ! Dismantling Cesar’s House of Dominance and And another thing… I Do Not Want My Dog To Be Calm-Submissive
Update December 5: Rather than attempt to re-write history, I’m leaving my post as it is. Suffice it to say the attempted shift to Joomla was a fiasco. I’ve learned some lessons from it — something to do with smoke and mirrors, or was that bells and whistles? — but I’m too tired from re-creating my blog to remember exactly what they are.
2 thoughts on “It’s “Make Fun of Dog Dominance Theory” Day”