Not everyone is a mother. Nor does everyone still have one. Chances are good, though, that if you’re reading this blog you share your life with a creature that fulfills the stereotypical motherly roles celebrated on this day: acceptance of your flaws and unconditional love. So this photo essay is dedicated to those who might be feeling blue on this Hallmark holiday.
Note: Diane J. Schmidt and Frank Morgan (see bios, below) are responsible only for the pictures and captions, respectively; I am entirely to blame for this post’s title pun, which would surely offend Frankie who believes he is a purebred.
Welcome to nuestra casa de Edie y Pancho. We were expecting you and this is my magic red carpet. I rolled it out for you.
Edie’s inside. How was your trip?
Oh, I see. And have ya had your coffee yet? We got some great coffee from Trader Joe’s.
We have a new fence and I have a bigger place to run and play. Do you like it?
The backyard is my sacred space—I do all my thinking here. The wind brings me messages here. I think it looks like Paris, don’t you?
By the way how do I look? This is my best side. Handsome huh?
Excuse me—I have to donate my territory marker.. uh..uh…there, would you like some?
Edie loves my jokes. Tell Diane my six cats in a fish cannery joke.
I sing too. La… la… A kiss is just a kiss…la…la
Bio: Diane J. Schmidt is a writer and photojournalist in Albuquerque, New Mexico and an admirer of all things spiritually resonant. Her writing and photography, which have been published internationally in best-selling books, journals and magazines, appears bi-weekly at The Albuquerque Judaism Examiner. She recently completed a book, Darkening of the Light, about her experience as a photojournalist in El Salvador during that country’s civil war.
Frank Morgan is a Navajo interpreter, cross-cultural trainer, and writer. He loves humor and stories of the creation of the universe.
Love it! Happy Mutt-ers day!
Best headline evah, Edie!
I know lot’s of cool Mutt-ers – more people to celebrate today 🙂
What a nice surprise!! Thanks for the Mutt-er’s Day levity, I was just on the edge of getting maudlin and this just slapped me right out of it with the fabulous Frankie’s offer of a, err, donation! Hahahaha! Have a great day!
Oh wow, I went out and spent lots more money than I should have on various kinds of dog food and treats just to assuage my marginal melancholy (being neither mother nor daughter), using your last post as an excuse to launch yet another quest to cater to Archie. If I’d read this post first I would have just stayed home and cuddled! THANK YOU for yet another stellar post.
That’s great!! 🙂
Hi Diane,
Oh, this is terrific! I love it….and would like to meet Frankie sometime, he is a very cute dog.
Happy Mothers day to Frankies Mom! Frankie is one cool pooch.
I heard frankie’s Mother was a mutt-er and his father was a mutt-er…weird huh!
Hey Don — strange but true!