Many people have a fantasy of opening a bed-and breakfast. Mind you, I’m not one of them. Aside from the obvious chores that even devoted innkeepers are bound to dislike, such as the constant cleaning, there’s also the having to talk to people first thing in the morning part of the job description that would put me off.
And the baking.
Add a few furry creatures, large and small, to the mix, and it can really seem daunting.
That’s why it’s so impressive that the Michael and Catherine McCormack, who run the Lazy Dog Ranch Bed and Breakfast in Southern Arizona, make it look easy. I can attest to that after having visited them earlier this year. (I blogged about it, so for more pictures of the place — including of the three resident dogs, none of whom weigh less than 100 pounds, and the horse who won Frankie’s heart– click here.)
It helps that the two of them have an extensive background in the hospitality industry, so they didn’t go into the venture all starry-eyed. But it also helps that they both have a passion for the business. And for animals. And for each other, even after 25 years.
Michael reveals the secret to the success of their partnership — “She tells me what to do, and I do it” — and much more in my interview with him on Animal Cafe. As I mention in my introduction, I was not playing favorites. Catherine, pictured here in front of the inn, is at a high school reunion in Lima, Peru. She has also lived in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Chile, and Argentina, as well as New York City. Michael is from Ireland, and he once worked in Australia shearing sheep. So even though we’re talking about an inn near Tombstone, Arizona — yes, that Tombstone — you’ll find yourself in a sophisticated zone.
On a nature preserve.
Listen to the podcast, below, to learn about some of the challenges of the business, as well as the joys, and then come back on Wednesday night, April 20, 9pm EST, and chat with Michael.
Exciting update! Catherine got back from Lima last night and will participate in the chat tonight. So we will get another angle on the innkeeper’s experience.
I *am* one of those people who would love to open a bed and breakfast — and yes, a pet friendly one 🙂