4:15pm I come home from Trader Joe’s to find a message on my phone from my vet’s office. My heart stops for a moment, even after I realize that, since I haven’t brought Frankie in for any tests and he is sitting right in front of me, it can’t be dire news about his health.…
Dressing Your Dog For Halloween: Seven Tips
Last Thursday’s Dogs in International Costumes post spurred my pal Hilary Lane of Fang Shui Canines to remind me that people need to use caution when dressing their dogs. She’s absolutely right. I promised, and will herewith deliver, some advice on the proper methods of canine attiring for Halloween. 1. Avoid decorations that your dog…
Of all the dog cards…
Talk about coincidences. My much blogged-about best friend, Clare, pictured below with me and Frankie on our recent trip to San Diego, just called in great excitement. It seemed that Clare had just received a birthday card, and of all the possibilities, she got the one featuring Frankie, produced by Borealis Press. It was sent…