As those who have been keeping up with my Training Tuesday series know, I have been working with trainer Crystal Saling to get Frankie over his fear of the noisy outdoors. The ultimate goal: to get him to my car, parked in the driveway of my house which fronts a busy street, without stress. Methods…
Training Tuesday: Are You Sabotaging Your Dog’s Training Without Knowing It?
This week I’m turning my blog over to Crystal Saling, a font of wisdom about the dog training process in general, and first-hand observer of how Frankie and I are dealing with it in particular. We inspired her to wonder: Are you inadvertently sabotaging your dog’s training? It happens so frequently that even professional dog…
Training Tuesday: Will Not Work for Food
First, the good news. The counter-conditioning portion of the get-Frankie-into-the-car-comfortably program is going great. I demonstrated last week how our trainer, Crystal, is accustoming Frankie to street noise by having him associate it with eating. I served Frankie his meals semi-alfresco, moving his dish closer and closer to a door that was opened progressively wider.…