Frankie’s Whirlwind Scottsdale Tour

I wrote last week about my behind-the-scenes stress about Frankie’s insulin when I went up to Scottsdale for a book signing, but didn’t provide any details about the whirlwind visit itself. Some highlights (or, if you ask Frankie, lowlights)… Thursday 1:45 pm. Frankie and I arrive at the stylish and pet-friendly Hotel Indigo Scottsdale, in…

Road trip! Book signing! Hot sisters!

Lately, my book selling world has been a bit bleak. The online bootleg versions of AM I BORING MY DOG have slowed to a trickle, as opposed to the torrent of thefts that first emerged the week between Christmas and New Year’s. I  dutifully forward all the Google alerts of new ripoffs to my publisher,…