I know, it’s been a long time since I’ve been here, but I’ve been busy trying to drum up interest in Getting Naked For Money: An Accidental Travel Writer Reveals All.
What does that have to do with a dog blog, you might ask?
Quite a bit, as it happens.
For one thing, as I explain here, the book itself is kind of a prequel to Am I Boring My Dog.
For another, many people who were regular readers of this blog were inspired to support the memoir on Kickstarter and/or to buy it afterwards. Not a single one asked for her money back.
Most important, however, is that I am planning a book tour and bringing along the official spokesdog, Madeleine, who appeared in my Kickstarter promo video. It’s shameless, I know, taking along a cute dog to promote a book. But with a title like Getting Naked for Money, shameless is my middle name.
Also, I’m not taking her along only to promote my book. I’m taking her along because I adore her and — vixenish behavior notwithstanding — really enjoy having her with me. She likes to travel and she loves meeting new people because they have a tendency to give her treats.
Our schedule is as follows.
Tuesday, June 13: Prescott, Arizona, Peregrine Book Company, 5pm-6:30pm
Thursday, June 15: Albuquerque, New Mexico: BookWorks, 6pm
Friday, June 16: Las Cruces, New Mexico: Barnes & Noble UNM, 2-4pm
Tuesday June 20: Austin, Texas: BookWoman, 7-8:30pm
Thursday, June 22: San Antonio, Texas: The Twig, 5-7pm
Friday, July 7: St. Paul, Minnesota, Subtext Books, 7pm
Thursday, July 13, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 7pm