I was sent an email with this sample of a new comic strip called “The Dogs of C-Kennel: Where the Bark is Funnier than the Bite” from Creators Syndicate, a website that showcases a variety of columnists and cartoonists and sells rights to them. I’m not sure if it’s “the next big thing to hit the comics pages” (which are fast disappearing anyway), but I thought this was pretty funny and a nice break from my recent Animal Welfare Gone Bad series, wherein I discuss Nathan Wingograd, PETA, and HSUS.
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Hey, I can dig it! …
Anybody can always use a comic relief! I know I can 🙂
Ha ha ha! Tashi would agree:)
Ha! Love that! Jasper and Daisy hate the one-eyed monster too.
This cartoon is hilarious! I did ACTUALLY laugh out loud! Haha! Thanks for sharing.
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Have a great evening! 🙂
~ Tina