I may be winding down this blog, but I’ll never stop caring about dog rescue. How could I when one small rescue dog, Frankie, made such a huge change in my life?

And I’m pleased that I’ll still be around to participate in a big push that some of my fellow bloggers are making on July 23 to call this issue to widespread public attention. Inspired by Blog Catalog, Dog Rescue Success, and the Be the Change for Animals community, we will do what we do anyway — write about the animals we love on our blogs and social media sites, only in a more focused way. It doesn’t have to be a big deal or anything formal. You can do anything from talking about how much you adore your rescue pup to donating supplies or money to your local shelter and inspiring others to do the same.

Of course if you want to go out and adopt or foster a dog, no one will have a problem with that either.

July 23. Put that date on your blogging calendar.

10 thoughts on “Dog Bloggers Unite! You Have Nothing to Lose But Your Guilt”

  1. Absolutely – it will be individual choice, and guilt-free. Can’t beat that!
    …and Edie, you might be changing the focus of your blogging, but you and Frankie will ALWAYS be a cherished part of our pet blogging community. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Thanks for blogging the change for animals,
    Kim Thomas

    1. Oh, Donna, although I would like to take credit for staying longer just for this purpose, in fact I’d always planned to end August 1, when my new blog launches. I would feel guilty if I didn’t admit that ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Hey Frankie, Jet here.

    Thanks for all the good you put out there for us K9s. All of us at Casa Jet are rescues so, we really appreciate it!

  3. I am so glad you will be joining in Edie. I am going to miss your input in the dog blogging world. You always bring such a fresh perspective. I love that.

    Thank you so much for joining Blog the Change today and for bringing attention to the event on July 23rd. I am really excited to see so many people getting involved. Iโ€™ll be reading your post!

    Mel Freer

  4. Happy you’ll be joining in on the 23rd! I’ll miss having your regular updates here, but I look forward to reading all about your next chapter. ๐Ÿ™‚


  5. While I am very sad to see this blog wind down, I am very excited to see what you have planned in your next venture. Congratulations on all the exciting changes!

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