I don’t usually have anything good to say about PeTA, but I have to give credit where it’s due for these two public service announcements. The first one is especially clever.
- Dog World Records (Update)
- Herbal Remedies for Pets: First, Do No Harm
I don’t usually have anything good to say about PeTA, but I have to give credit where it’s due for these two public service announcements. The first one is especially clever.
The John McEnroe video was a real gotcha. Loved it.
Adding it to my StumbleUpon likes now.
Thanks, Pamela!
These are good.
PETA needs to use celebrities who “speak to” a certain generation of macho males with gang tattoos. White people celebrities are not speaking to them.
There are other groups that do this, including Real Men Are Kind to Animals: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Real-Men-are-Kind-to-Animals/199905080358 I don’t know if they appeal to the gang members, though they run lots of videos of military men and women being reunited with their dogs. Michael Vick spoke to inner city kids about animal cruelty for HSUS; wish they had chosen a better spokesperson than that unrepentant POS.
Thanks, Edie. Love the McEnroe.
Go Johnny Mac!! Nice ad 😀
Why, if John is there to have his dog neutered, is it dressed entirely in pink!?! Too funny.
Good question, Amy!
I always enjoy seeing John McEnroe’s temper explode. That is one catchy video.
Like… Like.. and Like.
Is it ok for a small dog like Chihuahua not to be neuter?