Meet & Greet Party Blog!

I usually need a few drinks and a bowl or so of nuts — it used to be cigarettes — to feel comfortable mingling with new people at a party. But a virtual party where you can bring your pets… no problem. My dog, Frankie, is so charming that he always serves as a social…

Road trip! Book signing! Hot sisters!

Lately, my book selling world has been a bit bleak. The online bootleg versions of AM I BORING MY DOG have slowed to a trickle, as opposed to the torrent of thefts that first emerged the week between Christmas and New Year’s. I  dutifully forward all the Google alerts of new ripoffs to my publisher,…

Weekend Win-a-Book Contest: Blog 911

Life lessons are sometimes ambiguous. Yes, my failed foray into bells-and-whistles SEO/SEM technology taught me that there’s no substitute for solid writing and communication with readers. A blog is only as good as its content and its bond with a like-minded audience. But it also made me aware that it’s tough to reach that like-minded…

Remembrance of Pets Past: Dia de los Muertos

Halloween has never been my holiday. It might have had something to do with my mother’s dislike of what she considered a religious — and not one of ours — observance, her reluctance to take me on the rounds of my Brooklyn apartment building (which wasn’t especially kid-friendly anyway).  It might have had to do…