Happy National Dog Day!

It’s National Dog Day and I hope you’ll take the opportunity to devote a bit of extra time to your dog. If you’re buying into the whole outdated dominance theory/need to overpower — as opposed to lead — your dog, toss it in honor of the holiday. Throw away shock collars, prong collars, spritzers, scary…

No dogs were harmed…

…in the making of this video. I’m afraid I don’t have any production shots that show the smoke and mirrors — or, to be precise, green screen and owner crouching under a table and cradling her dog’s butt — but trust me. Unlike the videographers of Open Lens Productions who set up large, hot lights…

A shaggy surf dog story

Here, at last, is my report on the Loews Surf Dog Competition. Sort of. It’s still more about my friend Clare, our dogs, Frankie and Archie, and a cast of supporting characters who became involved by sheer coincidence. *** So…Clare and I didn’t manage to get to the contest site, Imperial Beach, early enough to…

Japanese dog dressing, part 1

I have no hard data, but anecdotal evidence and online research suggest that Japan is the world’s Number 1 dog dressing nation. The size and breed range of dogs involved, the array and elaborateness of their outfits, the variety of events providing canine fashion occasions, the widespread enthusiasm for the practice… Japan rules the roost…