It’s bad enough to request that people nominate you for a blogging award. It’s even more shameless when the idea to make the request on your blog comes from a competing blogger, my pal Roxanne Hawn.

But it’s all for a good cause: The “Petties” (pet blogger awards), presented by DogTime, are all about helping animals, and the prizes include a $500 donation to a shelter/rescue of the winner’s choosing (mine would be the Humane Society of Southern Arizona. Just saying).

There will be a bit of personal glory involved, I admit it, including an announcement of the winners at BlogPaws West in Denver, Sept 9-11.

Nominations end July 30 (tomorrow).

The good news. You can nominate more than one person, so you can nominate Roxanne and then nominate me. Or vice versa.

When it comes to voting, which will take place from August 2-20, it’s every woman for herself.

Details: I would like to be nominated for the Best Dog Blog (as opposed to Best Pet or Best Cat blog, for obvious reasons).

Name:          Edie Jarolim



Jeez, I even semi-ripped off Roxanne’s nomination form.

But admitting that, and everything else, makes me feel less guilty. So nominate me (and Roxanne). I guarantee you’ll feel less guilty if you do.

6 thoughts on “Really shameless nomination request”

  1. Okay, I did it and wrote: The funniest dog blog out there – I always read it for the laughs, and I know all the information I’m getting in the process is top quality – a spoonful of sugar with excellent medicine! A model site that every blogger can learn from, especially those deadly serious preachy types.

    (I’ve learned lots from reading your blog and I do read it, knowing I’ll get a laugh) It’s a good reminder to lighten up at my blog which this week has a cartoon and a poll on a really deadly subject, which is when the world (or universe) will end. so, okay here’s my shameless promotion: Albuquerque Judaism Examiner at

    1. Thanks so much, Diane. As you know, I loved the cartoon and the poll (I voted that the world would end when the fat lady sings). But here’s a new feature on this blog’s comment section that you — and everyone else who comments should know about: If you check the CommentLuv box, your last blog post title and a link to it will come up. An incentive to write good titles — and to comment. Win win!

  2. No need to be embarrassed to ask. I love your blog! And, I love Roxanne’s too.
    Nomination submitted!

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