I know, I know, you want to go straight to the video. I can’t blame you. It’s awesome. But I need to explain a few things first, so hold your horses. I mean dogs. You’ll want to hear about the fun and the prizes.
First the fun. After viewing the video, you need to chose the baaaadest mother puppy in town. Steve? Dexter? You decide and vote by commenting on this blog post (comments on other posts won’t count). Whichever Yorkie loses has to concede that the other one is the baddest by praising him on Facebook and Twitter and — … really, whatever the winner chooses — for an entire week. Polls close on Sunday April 3 at midnight, EST. On Monday, I’ll post the winner — and the penalty he’s decided to impose on his worthy opponent.
Now the prizes, a choice of personalized collar or harness from Gangs of New Yorkie AND a custom portrait by Dexter’s Ruff Life — click on the links to their blogs for details about the goodies and also, on Gangs of New Yorkie, for bios of the two contenders for the title of Baddest Yorkie. Your vote in the comment qualifies you for the prizes.Β Like the vote, the contest closes at Sunday April 3, at midnight EST. I’ll choose the winner at random on Monday, April 4, and post that information too.
May the best — I mean the worst — dog win!
#154 Dexter wins my hear Sorry Steve you tried and did a great job.
#155 Dexter’s my pup for sure…sorry Steve!
#156 Awww they are both so awesome! But we are voting for Steve, as he can rap with his tongue out!!!
#174 Dex is the Dog…and he can really really rap!!!!! and He is Sexy!!!!
#157 I heart STEVEN!!!!
#158 Aww! LOL!! They’re both too cute, but I let The Dog vote and I think she has a crush on Dexter, so we’re going with Dexter on this one, all the way!
Man Wife and Dog Blog
#159 Gotta love Dexter! This video is too cute!
#160 Both are awesome, But I HAVE TO go with Dexter.. Go Dex
#161 ummmmmm duh, STEVE!
go to DextersRuffLife on youtube π
#162 I’m voting for Dexter hands down. He by far is the baddest mother
Hi. Just bunny hopping around the blog hop. Albert and Frodo say woof & wag
What — no vote in the bark-off to win prizes? That’s ok — you’re very welcome any time.
#163 i`m from the north so i`m for sure on dex side!!!ο»Ώ NORTH SIDE RULES!!!!!!!
#164 It has to be Dex all the way…..and I’m pretty sure Lucky agrees :))
#165 My vote is for Dexter!!!!
#166 I’m a big fan of Dex’s on You Tube & YT, so paws down, I vote for Dex!
#167 Dex is the DOG!!!!
#168 Dex is the toughedt mother puppy. I know rap, and this dude can rap!
#169 We have to vote for Dex.
Friday has threatened to bite my toes If I didn’t make sure our vote for Dex was in since there were technical difficulties at the beginning.
For all the girl doggies out there Dex has a main girl and my name is Friday but you can all be his groupies. Love you Dex. Mwah
#170 Isabella and Bullet say Dexter Rules!
#171 Oh my, how could I ever choose between these two “baddest” yorkies? But, I must say I have a special place in my heart for Dexter, especially after his encounter with Santa. Steve’s great but DEXTER has my vote! Go Dexter!
#172 Dexter! Although that video of begging to go in the snow and then saying “it’s too f*** cold out here” almost gave toughest weather endurance dog voting to Steve LOL!
#173 Oh Dex, I’ve been watching your youtube channel for months so as hard as this is to choose I have to join team Dexter!
#175 Dexter … you are “bad to the bone”!!!! π
#176 It’s tough, but I think Dexter has gots the swag that makes him top dog!
#177 I have to vote for Dexter,he is just the best.
#178 Dexter is da man!! I’m voting for Dex!!!!
#179 Dex, Dex, Dex!! π You have such a “ruff life”………. one baaaad mother puppy!
#180 I vote Dexter ’cause he is gangster like my morkie brother Scamp π
#181 Just Voted For @DextersRuffLife in The Great Yorkie Bark-Off!
Dexter definitely has mine and Betty Boop’s vote!!! Betty Boop thinks Dex is one cool mother puppy!
#182 Dexter has my vote for sure π
Dexter for sure!!!! <3 Dexter rocks!!!!
I love them both but i know i can only pick one and so i pick to vote for Dexter i mean he did alot of things that the other probly never dont like dexter he bit santa, he tried to eat the tooth fariey, he ated the easter bunny,he wanted to trade his little sister in for bacen,and he is crazy for cocanuts π he is the meanest and cutest so i pick DEXTER