Publisher to Book: Drop Dead

When a piece that is assigned to a writer doesn’t make into print for some reason, the expression is that it’s been “killed.” That didn’t happen to AM I BORING MY DOG, which went to press right on schedule less than two years ago. Maybe it sounds overly dramatic, but I nevertheless took the news…

Road trip! Book signing! Hot sisters!

Lately, my book selling world has been a bit bleak. The online bootleg versions of AM I BORING MY DOG have slowed to a trickle, as opposed to the torrent of thefts that first emerged the week between Christmas and New Year’s. I  dutifully forward all the Google alerts of new ripoffs to my publisher,…


I woke up yesterday to several Google alerts for Am I Boring My Dog. That usually makes me very happy, because it means that someone has been paying attention to my book, via a review, perhaps, or a reference in a blog post. Yesterday the news was not good. Turns out that Am I Boring…

Contest: Is Your Dog Boring You?

You love your dog and your dog loves you. That’s a given. But let’s face it. Dogs sleep a lot. And that repetitive ball tossing that endlessly fascinates most pups (Frankie, as always, excepted) ? Big yawn for humans. We all need a bit of mental stimulation. Thus this latest contest. The Background The idea…

Dog Talking with Tracie Hotchner

This past Saturday, I was on “Dog Talk,” a NPR affiliate show hosted by Tracie Hotchner. The author of The Dog Bible, an invaluable resource when I was writing Am I Boring My Dog. Tracie was so enthusiastic about my book that I couldn’t wait to post the interview. I figured it would be simple…