Yes, the book contest is over and I’m going through the list of submissions. I won’t announce the winners until tomorrow, but I’ve done some preliminary sorting and have come up with the following interesting (at least to me) information:
Total number of entries: 219
Greatest number of entries from one person: 59 (others will be glad to learn that this person is eligible to win only one book so those titles have been separated out from the others)
Most popular author to riff on: Charles Dickens (Charles Kittens, Charles What the Dickens, King Charles Spaniel Dickens, Charles Lick’ems). I’m not counting the oeuvres of Ima Flanders (Ian Fleming) and Jingles (a.k.a. Jane) Austen, submitted by individuals.
Most popular title to riff on: Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Love in the Time of Cats and Dogs, Love in the Time of Distemper by Gabriel Garcia Barkquez, Love in the Time of Dog Collars by Gabriel Garcia Muttquez)
Five most popular topics in book titles: Bones, poo, pee, barking (woofing/rruffing, etc.), and wolves.
Revision: Cats are more popular than wolves in the book titles. I must have blocked that.